Teaching Staff
Please find below a list of current teaching staff along with their area of responsibility. Should you need to contact a member of staff please call or email the school office on 01782 973600 office@woodhouseaccademy.staffs.sch.uk
Principal | Mrs D Farr |
Deputy Principal | Mr P Reynolds |
Assistant Principal | Mrs J Mullock/Mrs J Stevenson |
Head of Key Stages | KS2 Mrs C McKeown and Mrs C Wills |
KS3 Mrs E Bowers and Miss A Whitehurst | |
Inclusion Manager (SENDCo) | Mrs E Gordon |
Art | Mrs C McKeown ( Leader in teaching & learning for Art, DT, Music & PE) |
Mrs C Wills | |
Design & Technology | Mr J Challinor |
English | Mrs F Brodie |
Mrs N Abson | |
Mrs B Manson | |
Miss S Parks (Leader in teaching & learning for English & languages) | |
Mrs C Wills | |
Mrs C Washington | |
Computer Science | Mrs A Sulivan |
Miss K Nelson | |
Humanities | Mrs J Stevenson (leader in teaching and learning for geography, history and R.E.) |
Mr M Woodrow | |
Mrs J Mullock | |
Mrs N Abson | |
Miss M Kettle | |
Mrs B Manson | |
Mrs F Brodie | |
Mrs C Washington | |
Mr J Challinor | |
Mrs S Parks | |
Mathematics | Mrs E Gordon |
Mrs C Wills | |
Mr P Reynolds | |
Mrs H Dean | |
Mr N Williams (Leader in teaching & learning for maths, technology & computer science) | |
Miss M Kettle | |
Modern Foreign Languages | Dr P Kelly |
Mrs C Hirst | |
Music | Mrs C Washington |
P.E. | Mrs E Bowers |
Mr T Baddeley | |
Mr P Reynolds | |
Mrs C McKeown | |
Science | Mrs R Baddeley (Leader in teaching and learning for science, DT and PSHE) |
Dr P Kelly | |
Mrs A Sulivan | |
Mrs V Williams | |